Frillstyle Defined

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The million-dollar question is: What is Frillstyle? To understand this concept, let’s start with the basics by defining a “frill”. 

The most common definition is the following:

Frill \frīl’\ 

Noun - An unnecessary extra feature or embellishment.

This dictionary’s definition suggests that frills aren’t needed.  We disagree and, above all, we don’t like the word unnecessary. We believe any additional feature that enhances the quality of a product, service or experience is necessary.  Do you want frills? Definitely!  Can you live without them? Perhaps, but your life would be so much better with them. With that in mind, our definition of “frill” is:


An essential component
leading to  greater satisfaction.

Now take our definition and apply it to a lifestyle whereby we take out “Life” and replace it with “Frill”. The result is frillstyle – a more desirable way to live.

It’s our belief that high-living is something for everyone to enjoy. Frillstyle is about wanting more. It’s about a lifestyle we should all be striving for. If frills are essential to making things optimal, why settle for less? 

For a frillstyle to come to fruition, it has to start with you. Recognizing that we are all different, the first step is to determine your current frill level (this will make sense I promise you): 

The Habitual

Definition: A typical person who is content with their predictable lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with that. That said, we think these people have a frillseeker side they just haven’t discovered yet!

Characteristics: These individuals are living safe, secure, and routine lifestyles

The Frillseeker

Definition: A person who wishes to upgrade their current lifestyle

Characteristics: These individuals have a vision for the type of enhanced lifestyle they want, but are uncertain how to achieve it. Their actions might be limited as a result of uncertainty.

The Frillstyler

Definition: A person who enjoys embellishments leading to an enriched lifestyle.

Characteristics: These individuals don’t want to settle. They want more and actively take the necessary steps to enjoy an upgraded lifestyle. Frill is just added value. It doesn’t have to involve money only. It has to do with flexibility, imagination and the willingness to step out of out of your every day routine to enjoy something.

Deep inside, most of us are frillseekers.  The reality is you only live once and you need to make it count. Our advice to you is to step out of the norm, unleash your imagination and let it run free. You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain…period!